Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Carried To The Table

Did you know that you are not defined by your choices; by your sins? You may not think so, seeing as the world is so quick to judge us by our actions and appearances. But God chooses a different way to define you...simply put, you are His. His creation, His child, created in His image. Scripture says in Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Are you "in Christ Jesus"? *Pretty sure you are now nodding your head answering "Yes"!* Good, that's what I thought! So since you love Him and have a relationship with Him, He desires to define you on His terms, without condemnation. I'd like to share with you some definitions of condemnation (or condemn). I found them to be quite enlightening and I think you will too:
1) To express unfavorable judgement on - yikes! (Not part of the definition, just my opinion!)
2) To pronounce to be guilty - bigger yikes!
3) To judge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service - oh boy...

Take a moment to think about these definitions...depressing, huh?! But the last one really jumps out at me... Unfit for God's service? I would never want to be labeled as "unfit for God's use or service"! And I know you wouldn't either. So aren't you glad that the Lord declares to us through His Word that, "there is therefore now no condemnation..."! (Now, don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean we get to do whatever we want whenever we want. God does discipline us, but instead of getting bogged-down when we make a bad decision, God's desire for us is that we make the situation right before Him, and anyone else necessary, and move forward in freedom-without condemnation!) Thank You, Jesus! Thank you that You died on the Cross for each and every one of our many, many sins-all so that there would be no condemnation for us! Instead, you give us freedom and liberty!

Despite what this verse promises us, we all still struggle to some degree with feeling unsure of how God feels about us. At our October meeting, we heard the phrase "carried to the table". We saw a drama depict various girls in situations where they were left feeling hurt and unloved. Emotions such as rejection from friends to arguing with parents, a poor self-image or divorce. And like a knight in shinning armor, Jesus came to their rescue and carried each one-broken and hurting-to His table. In this story, His "table" refers to a relationship with Him. He sat each girl down at the table, talking to them, encouraging them, telling them how much they are loved. This story isn't a fairy-tale, it's very real. And it can be a part of your life's story.

Don't be uncertain of how God feels about you...be confident that even amidst a trial or just plain feeling crummy, God is inviting you, yes YOU, to come and sit down at His table, a table filled with love.