Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Possibilities...

Well, 2010 is here. The world didn't end, our computers still compute and God is still on the throne! I hope each of you had a wonderful break and that you feel rejuvenated to finish the last half of the school year strong! This Friday is our first Sisters meeting of 2010. It will be an opportunity for you to get a glimpse into the upcoming year and hear from your leadership team. The team will share where they feel the Lord is leading this group in 2010...don't miss the chance to be poured into so that you in turn can pour out into friends, teachers, family and your community!

Here's a little something from my heart to yours...

With the New Year always come the thought, or for the disciplined ones, the action, of a New Year's resolution. There's quite a bit of pressure that can come with publicly declaring your year's resolutions...statistically, only 10% of those who make resolutions are able to stick with them. Now, let me quickly get to my point because the last thing I want to do is discourage anyone! I've been pondering this blog entry for the past 2 days now...going back and forth about what direction to take this...and here's what I feel like the Lord would say to you:

"In Me [Jesus], every day is a "New Year"."

I'm sure you've heard this verse before, but read it again and apply it to the way you feel when a new year comes around...

"The STEADFAST love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are NEW every morning; great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will HOPE in Him!" Lamentations 3:22-24 (ESV)

I think sometimes we wait with great anticipation and expectation for the new year to roll around. We decide what needs fixing in our lives and we muster up the determination to do something about it. And while those intentions aren't wrong, I just want to encourage you that if you find yourself slipping away from your diet plan or find it tough to get up early and do your devotions, just know that tomorrow...and the next day...and the next...the Lord's grace is there to pick us up and help us "resolve" to get back on track!

Persevere dear sisters, because the Lord cares deeply about every area of your lives--no matter what your New Year's resolution may be!

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